Wednesday, November 13, 2013


I've known for a long time now, since right around the time I was saved and began to know the Lord and who He is in my life that I would have to write about this topic one day.  I have continually prayed to God for the ability to understand His patient nature, His enduring capacity for tolerance with this people He created...created for a purpose.  Through the years, and let's keep this in perspective...I'm far from there yet....I've been seeking what God says about patience in the Bible.  Invariably and depending on the translation we see the word 59 times in the New Testament.  Patience is not used directly in the Old Testament but translations from the Hebrew bring various synonyms of the word; different words are used which show a similar context in the translation, "hupomone and  makrothumia translate as  suffering or waiting as a determination of the will and not simply under necessity.  They also mean endurance and continuance or even steadfastness, even long suffering.
Sometimes it is difficult to understand why we must endure or have patience with anything that seems to try us, but Paul confirms that we must as he even calls God in Romans 15:5 "...the God of patience and consolation..."
He calls us in this manner to be patient, and like-minded with each other in Christ Jesus so that with one voice and one accord we glorify God the Father of our Lord Jesus.
This means we are to be like God and "have patience" with each other, as He is patient with us to grant us mercy and then grace as we take on the Christ-like nature of our Lord.  Then we understand how in His infinite patience once we see Jesus for who He is and what He sacrificed by the will of the Father, it is then through Jesus, who can sympathize with our trials and temptations that we can approach God. "Let us therefore draw near with boldness unto the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy, and may find grace to help us in time of need." Heb 4:16.
You see, there need be no fear of God and the conviction that you feel for the sin you have committed.  Of course we must repent of our wrongdoing as our conviction compels us. Then we should see the results in our lives as we are renewing our souls or our "psuche" which is the Greek word used here meaning our mind, will and emotions.
It is our soul, our mind, will and emotions that requires a changing or renewing in order to bring about the desired purpose God has for each of our lives.
Jesus spoke very clearly when he said "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth.  I did not come to bring peace but a sword." Matt 10:34.  The sword of course is the Word of God, the Word of course is the Son, Jesus Christ.  "For the Word of God is living and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Heb 4:12.
All of this ties together neatly into the Bible that we understand as Truth,  patience therefore becoming a root fundamental process in each of our lives.  Patience in allowing our minds and therefore our souls to become renewed with the Word of God.  Patience to have the continuance of steadfastness of our Christ-like love and governance in our lives.  That through the continual application of trust and endurance through our trials we can be assured we will have the victory in our lives.  This will ultimately show us the purpose for each of our lives.
We must strive to take hold of our minds, our souls, and allow the Word which has been in-grafted into our hearts  given to us by God, "Therefore put away all filthiness and extreme wickedness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls."  James 1:21. 

It is through this patience, this enduring and our trust in knowing we are moving from faith to faith, using that control of patience in our lives.
 "By your Patience, possess your souls." Luke 21:19.

Patience people...its a journey this life in Christ.  Ultimately a destination, but then we're talking about heaven now...and that's a whole new blog!


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